As I’ve previously written in this blog, I have a spot soft for fighting games even though I’m completely rubbish at them. And the Mortal Kombat series has always been the guiltiest pleasure of them all. At that time, not knowing much about games, I only thought that the series had more realistic, less stylized graphics than its contemporaries and of course its famously gratuitous ultra-violence. Now that I’m somewhat more knowledgeable about game design decisions, I thought it might be interesting to check out this reboot of the franchise. And of course to indulge in some low-brow senseless violence.
- I was at first put-off by the relatively low quality of the character models and textures. I guess that must have come from playing too much Skyrim. After a while I decided that the graphics look pretty good in-game after, especially when the characters are in motion and when seen on the gorgeous stages. Static models still look unimpressive though.