20 Nov
This is the third of the four DLC for the original Borderlands and yes, this is a very good DLC! The wiki claims that it is the largest of the DLC which is probably why there’s a ton of content in it.
- For starters, you get three new vehicles including the ultra-fast Racer, the heavily-armored Lancer and my favorite the Monster which is armed with homing missiles. The Lancer in particular has seats for four players, though I doubt anyone would be content with having control of nothing but laying land mines.
- There are many new enemies to fight and since the enemies in this DLC are the Crimson Lance, that means enemy soldiers with lots of cool technological toys. There are Lancers with jetpacks, Lancer medics who can heal their fellow soldiers and Lancers in giant Devastator mechs. At set points in the game you’re also attacked by squads of Lancer assassins, women who backflip and jump all over the place and move very, very fast but are vulnerable to being stunned when hit. All of these new enemies behave differently enough that they’re a lot of fun to fight.
- The mission flow is okay without being anything special. But I really like how the final mission is all about literally looting the armory. There are more chests in there than you can open in the limited time before everything blows up so loot as fast as you can. There are missions you can do to get up to two additional opportunities to loot the armory. The DLC even features extra-large chests with considerably more weapons per chest.
- The last boss fight is good, especially when you realize that General Knoxx will be healed faster by his medics than you can damage him unless you take out his support team first. The other bosses are okay but the real feature is the optional super-awesome boss Crawmerax which is apparently meant for multiplayer teams. If you like to complain how the bosses in Borderlands are too wimpy, you can stop now.
So yeah, this is exactly what DLC should be. Plenty of content and enough new stuff to make things fresh again. But I’m mystified why General Knoxx is the villain. He actually sounds like a good guy from all the voice recordings you come across.
Written on November 20 2012 and is filed under PC Games.
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